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Restore your body’s equilibrium and give yourself a boost. Our vitamins take seconds to administer, have a 100% absorption rate and offer lasting effects.

If you are considering vitamin injections, you must ensure that you only do so after a full clinical consultation with a medical practitioner.

As vitamin injections are a medical treatment you must ensure that you have been made aware of all the alternative treatment options, relevant facts, potential risks and complications before proceeding with the treatment.

No matter what your wellness goals, our vitamin injections will help you on your journey to better wellbeing.

Book a FREE consultation now.


Treatment Summary

Procedure Time: Seconds to administer.

Back to Work: Straight away.

Pain: None.

Anaesthetic: None.

Recovery Time: No downtime.

Cost: from £30.


Many foods contain vitamin B12, but not everyone eats enough of these foods. This is especially true of vegetarians and vegans, as many of these foods are meat or from animals. Some people cannot absorb the right amount of vitamin B12, despite eating these foods.

A Vitamin B12 injection delivers the vitamin directly into your bloodstream, giving your body a much better opportunity to absorb and utilise it.

Not having enough vitamin B12 can cause anaemia and other health issues.

Most people choose to have regular injections to boost their overall health and wellbeing.

    • Boosts energy levels

    • Prevents fatigue

    • Improves the immune system

    • Accelerates the metabolism

    • Supports mental health

    • Improves memory and concentration

    • Aids sleep

    • Alleviates anxiety

  • The treatment itself is administered in minutes.

  • Most people are suitable for vitamin injections but a full medical consultation will be carried out prior to treatment. Book your consultation today!


Vitamin C is a powerful natural antioxidant and helps to protect the body. It is vital for healthy skin, blood vessels, bones, and cartilage. It also promotes and aids in healing.

Not getting enough Vitamin C can leave you feeling sluggish, run-down, prone to frequent bouts of illness, and looking tired.

A Vitamin C injection delivers the vitamin directly into your bloodstream, giving your body a much better opportunity to absorb and utilise it. Because the injections are delivered directly into the bloodstream, they are perfect for those with sensitive stomachs, as oral supplements can irritate the stomach.

    • Improves the look and quality of the skin

    • Boosts the immune system

    • Reduces fatigue

    • Gives you more energy

    • More gentle on sensitive stomachs

  • Most people are suitable for vitamin injections but a full medical consultation will be carried out prior to treatment. Book your consultation today!


We obtain Vitamin D through certain foods in our diet but the best way to top our Vitamin D levels is through sun exposure. However, our English climate means sunshine can be sparse, and many people suffer from low Vitamin D levels which can cause them to feel depressed, tired, have muscle weakness, hair loss and even issues with their bones. 

Many people take oral Vitamin D supplements to give themselves a boost, particularly in autumn and winter, but a Vitamin D injection bypasses the gut for maximum absorption.

    • Strengthens bones by helping the body to absorb calcium

    • Encourages healthy muscles

    • Boosts immune system and fights infection

    • Helps to fight stress and tiredness

    • Boosts energy levels

    • Protects the body against illness and disease

    • Can boost mood and alleviate symptoms linked to depression

  • Vitamin D is actually a hormone, not a vitamin, essential to the body functioning properly.

  • Common symptoms of a Vitamin D deficiency are feeling constantly tired, frequently being ill due to a weakened immune system, muscle weakness or pain, bone weakness and pain, back pain, having a low mood or feeling depressed and hair loss.

  • Those who have a known Vitamin D deficiency. Suffer from a lower mood in Autumn and Winter and have been feeling tired and lacking in energy. Those who would like to support their bones and teeth.

    People who live in countries which don’t get much sunlight can all do with a Vitamin D boost.

    Please consult our clinic if you have any further questions about whether Vitamin D is suitable for you.


Biotin improves the basic protein that makes up hair, skin and nails. This protein is called keratin. Biotin deficiency can cause dry skin, brittle nails and hair, as well as hair loss.

Biotin can be taken in a tablet form or given intramuscularly as an injection. Most supplements are not effectively absorbed by our bodies through ingestion and thus intramuscular biotin injection has been helpful in increasing biotin levels faster in many patients.

For many people, a Biotin deficiency can lead to significant problems with their skin’s inner health and outer appearance. Dry, itchy skin is one of the most common issues, although more serious conditions like acne and psoriasis can also arise. Keep in mind that if you don’t nourish your skin from the inside, resulting hormonal issues can result in serious skin problems on the outside. In most cases, a biotin supplement can correct the issue, improving skin and helping to create a youthful glow.

Higher doses of biotin have resulted in significant nail health improvement. Studies have shown that those who take a biotin supplement can thicken their nails by up to 25 percent and decrease the amount of nail splitting and breakage they endure.

    • Strengthens hair and nails

    • Aid in preventing hair loss

    • Improves skin quality as well as acne and eczema

    • Aid in healthy sweat glands

    • Increases metabolism and speeds up weight loss

    • Improves blood glucose

  • Biotin has an important role in supporting the enzymes that break down the fat, protein and carbohydrates from the food we eat, turning them into energy.

    Biotin also helps us maintain normal healthy hair and skin. Our bodies use it to enable cells to reproduce properly, and skin and hair have a high cell-turnover.

    Together with other B vitamins, biotin also supports normal psychological and nervous system function by helping to maintain neurons in the brain.

  • The best animal-based sources of Biotin include:

    • Beef liver

    • Cooked eggs – absorption of biotin is blocked by a protein in raw egg whites

    • Salmon

    • Pork

    • Dairy products such as milk and cheese

    The best plant-based sources of Biotin include:

    • Sweet potato

    • Roasted almonds

    • Spinach

    • Broccoli

    • Bananas

  • Biotin deficiency is very rare because it is found in so many foods. If it does occur, symptoms include:

    • Hair loss

    • Dry, flaky skin

    • A rash on the face

    • Tiredness and muscle pain

    • Depression


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